Everything abroad

Find the right University for you!

Our counsellors can help you find the right match for you. To make things easier, we deal with over 5000 universities abroad.

University expert

50+ countries

Online Courses

Standardized Prep

Live Classes available for IELTS

The Right Strategy Changes Everything​

At Mygr8Edu, we believe every student is built differently and has different tastes. The perfect combination of the course and University can be life changing for anyone. Some Universities require Standardized exams like IELTS, SAT,GMAT and GRE. We can train you with the courses if needed and set you up on the best path available.

I am completely lost. How do I get started?

First step would be to get in touch with our counsellors for a free session. They would sit down with you and try to gauge what exactly are you looking for. Based on your preferences, you would be provided with a Shortlist of Universities.

Some universities require IELTS/GRE/GMAT/SAT. We can train you in them. But good news for students who would not like to give any of the exams, we have plenty of Options for you! Many of the Universities – especially our partners waive the exams for the students. Our partners give discounted application fees or even waive it off completely depending on the University.

After the application is submitted, you would receive an offer from the University within a month. Our partner Universities tend to give offers out within 10 days! One can start applying for the visa after.

Find Out Where You Need Help

We can help you since the beginning but if you are stuck in either of the processes, don’t feel shy to contact us.

Free Counseling

Get a session for free with our counselor.

Schedule an appointment now!


You will receive an offer within 10-15 days if it is one of our partner Universities.


Once you have your offer letter, you can apply for your student visa. We can definitely guide you through the whole process.

Our Specialties


We can help identify the right University and country for you.

Standardized Exam Preparation

We can provide you with the right course to get the score required in your particular target University.


We provide help and guide you throughout your visa preparation. We provide additional services such as Visa interview preparation and Canadian PR.

Help us Help you!.
Take Care of What Matters Most!

Leave all the tedious work to us and let’s make this journey fruitful!